Yes, October!

Yes, October!

  No matter where you live, you have an intimate, ongoing relationship with your weather. What happens outside affects you inside your home and within you too. Consider how your life shifts as the seasons of the year phase in or out. You can take advantage of...
Paying Attention to Your Body’s Signals for Optimal Health

Paying Attention to Your Body’s Signals for Optimal Health

  Nothing better than focusing on health during the Virgo season and starting new routine to enhance wellbeing. Your body is a marvelous creation! It speaks to you when it’s doing great, and it also speaks to you when things aren’t so wonderful. But...
A vortex of positive Energy

A vortex of positive Energy

  I am here in Tuscany soaking up all the best nature has to offer during the last days of my special retreat.It has been incredible: a communion of souls and land, local and away.  We prayed for the fires in the Amazon forest to stop and heard the rain has now...
Cosmic Prayer

Cosmic Prayer

  The Sun, the Moon, the Stars; You and me, who are we? Beautiful beings. We come, we go. Many planets, angels and guides; One universe, one love. At times we see the light, at times we feel eclipsed. We know joy and we feel pain. We live this life with...
I feel alive with the help of Mother Earth

I feel alive with the help of Mother Earth

  How often do you praise the healing power of Mother Earth, if you are like me, quite often. If you are feeling stressed, always running out of time, take a few minute to read this blog and try the following affirmations. I wake up each morning feeling sunny,...