How to power up your self-care with nature

by Jun 12, 2019


Each day I start my morning with a practice of gratitude and setting intentions. And every day I am thankful for natural resources. When I feel like my body is lacking something, I turn to the outdoors.

Another way that I uplift my body and mood is by producing my own aromatic air fresheners by mixing essential oils that come straight from plants together with crystals. When I inhale scents that have therapeutic properties, my airways remain clear. It feels good to be able to choose what I allow to enter my body.

During the driest months, I keep my skin hydrated. Natural oils are a wonderful source of hydration for my skin’s outer layers.

My skin glows even during the harshest weather. I avoid feeling itchy and irritated because I only use organic skin care products. Although they sometimes cost more than synthetic products, my body deserves it. And so does yours, my tip is to never compromise on quality of food and products we use on ourselves and our homes.

I feel so energetic when I fill my diet with fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs. My ability to fight free radicals strengthens when I consume antioxidants.

The seasonal flu is hardly an issue for me because I combat inflammation with natural herbs. I make teas that boost my body’s ability to fight bacteria. It is convenient to have my own healing garden in my backyard (my backyard extend to Tuscany, so to speak).

Cold swimming has also been a blessing in strengthening my immune system and avoiding terrible colds.

An important part of my day is when I visit my garden or organic farms to pick fresh products. I know that I am in control of my wellness.

Today, nature is a continuous blessing in my life. I am surrounded by goodness, wellness, and health because I choose to care for myself using natural resources.

I hope you can acknowledge and experience the same blessings in your life too.

Namaste, xAlex

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Which is my favorite herb to fight against digestive issues?
2. How do could I introduce natural products as part of your hair care regimen? (subtle hint: aloe vera)
3. How much money do I save on doctor’s visits when I eat natural foods?


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