Inspirational reflections on Autumn

Inspirational reflections on Autumn

  We are now well underway into Autumn. As the leaves on the trees turn into brilliantly-colored medallions, I feel uplifted. The beauty of fall, as it leads to winter, reminds me of how the change of season brings the opportunity for renewal and peace. Just like...
Autumn Fantasy – What Will Yours Be?

Autumn Fantasy – What Will Yours Be?

  Even though the leaves are falling and the weather is cooler, autumn can be a time of reflection, fun, discovery, and renewal.  If you could be granted your own fall fantasy this year, what would you hope for? Use these ideas as a springboard to begin exploring...
Yes, October!

Yes, October!

  No matter where you live, you have an intimate, ongoing relationship with your weather. What happens outside affects you inside your home and within you too. Consider how your life shifts as the seasons of the year phase in or out. You can take advantage of...
A vortex of positive Energy

A vortex of positive Energy

  I am here in Tuscany soaking up all the best nature has to offer during the last days of my special retreat.It has been incredible: a communion of souls and land, local and away.  We prayed for the fires in the Amazon forest to stop and heard the rain has now...
Nature inspires me to maintain inner beauty

Nature inspires me to maintain inner beauty

  I am in Tuscany for the Summer; when I look out my bedroom window, I marvel at how effortlessly beautiful the elements of nature are. I recognize how easy it is for birds and flowers to provide beauty. Their foundation originates from a pure, magnificent...